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8 Giu 2022


Maersk response

Our internal Crisis Management Team has been leading our response to the invasion of Ukraine, in close dialogue with the Regional Team and employees based in Ukraine. Our primary focus has been on ensuring the security and well-being of our employees in Ukraine. Early on in the invasion we created a dedicated task force to support our Ukrainian colleagues and their families, including providing the following services:

  • Establishing a Toolkit which contains guidance for employees on various support options
  • Setting up a hotline and encouraging employees to use the Employee Assistance Programme for mental health support for themselves and their families
  • Supporting employees and their families in evacuating Ukraine, setting up aid hubs in Romania and Poland and providing interim accommodation
  • Providing financial assistance to our colleagues
  • Providing guidance and relocation assistance, offering employees and their families to relocate to a country of choice...

The invasion has caused significant barriers to operate safely and as such commercial operations have been significantly affected. We are conducting exports from Ukraine when it is possible and safe to do so and exploring options to increase Ukraine exports (mainly foodstuffs) in light of the growing global food shortages crisis...

On 28 February we communicated that we would be suspending all new bookings within ocean, air and intercontinental rail to and from Russia and Belarus, with the exception of foodstuffs, medical and humanitarian supplies (bar dual-use items). At the same time, we decided to globally stop buying Russian oil for our ships. On 3 March we tightened these restrictions further and stopped all new bookings to and from Russia and Belarus.

On 11 March we announced our decision to exit our ownership of all assets in Russia, which includes our 30.75% stake in Global Ports group (GPI). Considering the severity of the harm from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and the nature of our operations (providing essential logistics and infrastructure), we decided that it was no longer possible to conduct business responsibly in Russia. When the decided steps are completed, Maersk (including Svitzer) will no longer own facilities in Russia nor operate in Russia.

As of 2 May, Maersk had its last cargo operation and is no longer calling at any Russian or Belarusian ports. We have approximately 20,000 empty containers still in Russia and will continue to seek opportunities to recover these assets.

Domestic operations are gradually being winded down and/or divested. The winddown does not allow for any new business in neither Russia nor Belarus...

...As many of our employees are not in a position where they can necessarily move their life to another country, and the economic situation has deteriorated in Russia following the invasion and related sanctions, we are supporting our employees as best as possible.

Activities include:

  • Providing a formal commitment and financial security for our employees for six months
  • Encouraging employees to use the Employee Assistance Programme for mental health support for themselves and their families
  • Providing individuals with high-risk profiles with specialized support from our security team..

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