847 results
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Post The Shell climate verdict: a major win for mandatory due diligence and corporate accountability
The global movement to hold corporations accountable for their impact on the climate is having a moment. The verdict handed down last week in the climate case filed by Milieudefensie in 2019 against Royal Dutch Shell has rightly been called historic: Shell must reduce its CO2 emissions by net 45% by 2030. And the ruling is historic for other reasons as well, as David Ollivier de Leth, Joseph Wilde-Ramsing and Manon Wolfkamp of SOMO reflect.
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Series What if mandatory human rights due diligence had existed before Rana Plaza?
As labour organisations call on brands to support the continuation of the Bangladesh Accord, Clean Clothes Campaign's Neva Nahtigal imagines how meaningful mandatory due diligence could have changed the course of the Rana Plaza disaster
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Post New company profiles illuminate human rights issues across the technology sector
To help reveal how such technologies and their producers operate, Business & Human Rights Resource Centre has developed dashboards for 40 companies across the technology sector. These provide ready access to a suite of information about company policy and practice in relation to human rights.
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Series Lessons of COVID-19 Vaccines for Progressive Utopians
Professor Michael A. Santoro explores what the COVID-19 vaccine development and distribution process taught us about the two big goals of Progressive Utopians: Economic Progressivism & Global Government.
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Series Amidst the trend towards mandatory due diligence, the Bangladesh Accord model should not be abandoned
Amidst a trend towards mandatory due diligence legislation, Joseph Wilde-Ramsing argues the legally binding Bangladesh Accord model should not be abandoned, but used as a blueprint for expansion.
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Series We need a UK law to stop companies profiting from destruction and abuse
Last month, the European Union took a major step towards passing a new law to stop businesses from abusing human rights and destroying the environment around the world. The EU’s proposed ‘corporate due diligence’ law would help to tackle the widespread abuse of workers and the environment in the supply chains of European companies. This progress in Europe accentuates the failure of the UK government to take similar action.
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Post Recent UK Court of Appeal judgment may lead to greater accountability of companies hiding behind complex supply chains
A recent judgment of the UK Court of Appeal in Hamida Begum (on behalf of MD Khalil Mollah) v Maran (UK) Limited [2021] EWCA Civ 326 may have far-reaching implications which could lead to greater accountability of companies who have historically used the complexity of their supply chains to evade responsibility and liability.
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Series Why rebuilding Jordan's social contract is crucial to agricultural workers’ rights beyond COVID-19
Hatem Qtaish & Mouhanad Sharabati reflect on the plight of essential agriculture workers in Jordan during the pandemic and how a new social contract could better protect and realise their rights post pandemic.
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Series A new and just social contract is still possible in the MENA Region
Ahmad Awad reflects on the history of failure for social contracts in the MENA region, and argues that the tragedy of COVID-19 provides the perfect opportunity for governments, IFIs and the private sector to try again.
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