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Series Business and Human Rights Legislation and the Enforcement Question
In this blog Nick De Mulder summarises the key findings of a paper by Kingsley Napley and Dr Rachel Chambers on how a compulsory UK human rights due diligence law could improve the enforcement and legal landscape for victims of cross-border human rights abuses.
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Series Lawyers' insights on corporate legal accountability: Johnny White, ClientEarth, UK
"Climate issues must also be ‘mainstreamed’ into other areas of law, for example: corporate, financial, competition and consumer law. Each of these areas offer opportunities for addressing widening corporate climate accountability gaps."
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Series "Don't shoot the messenger": Protection against reprisals under the proposed EU due diligence legislation
Safe stakeholder engagement is key to ensuring effective implementation of forthcoming EU due diligence legislation, writes Tove Holmström. Individuals, groups and organisations that expose business-associated impacts need better protections,
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Series Time for action: The role of human rights defenders in crisis and in a just recovery
UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of Human Rights Defenders, Mary Lawlor, outlines five steps companies should take to address risks to HRDs in the context of just recovery.
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Post Authority unchecked - Why private security firms also need to be scrutinized during the Defund the Police movement
Private security firms have a disturbing history of racially motivated violence in the US, yet local governments and businesses across the country continue to contract with them. We need to ensure that calls to “Defund the Police” result in approaches to safety and security that benefit communities, rather than private security firms with records of abuse.
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Series Leaving No One Behind: Striking a balance between recovery and human rights in Zimbabwe's mining sector
The focus for mining companies that weathered 2020 is now on recovery, stabilisation and eventual return to profitability. Mutuso Dhlliwayo and Cosmas Sunguro outline pitfalls the industry must avoid to ensure people are put before profitability.
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Post It is time for companies to step up efforts on forced labour
As governments and investors dial up efforts to address modern slavery, companies must step up, writes Felicitas Weber
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Post 3 things investors should consider as the nuclear weapon ban comes into effect
The Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons finally entered into force on January 22, 2021, making them explicitly illegal under international law. Investors have the opportunity to play a key supporting role in the Treaty's implementation.
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