847 results
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Post Accountability for agricultural, commercial & financial drivers of illegal deforestation & an opportunity to avoid risks: a case study from Brazil
The Center for Climate Crime Analysis on the increasing number of organizations fighting the climate emergency using legal and advocacy tools to target agricultural, commercial and financial drivers of tropical deforestation.
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Post Just recovery interventions can and should eliminate child labour
COVID-19 has been a catalyst for child labour. Global March Against Child Labour highlights interventions that could eliminate this scourge and how the private sector could utilise these in efforts towards a just recovery.
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#KeepItOn: Internet shutdowns only cause harm
Felicia Anthonio, Campaigner & #KeepItOn Lead at Access Now, gives an overview of internet shutdowns across Africa, their impact on digital freedom and what steps need to be taken to push back.
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Post Responsibility from the top down: Why human rights due diligence must be a mandated concern of corporate boards
The European Commission should act to make the issue of board oversight an explicit part of its mHRDD approach, write John Morrison, Phil Bloomer and Camille Le Pors
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Series Lawyers’ insights on corporate legal accountability: Channa Samkalden, Prakken d’Oliveira, Netherlands
"This ruling is about Shell and Nigeria – but it shows that parent company liability is a risk that corporations will need to actively deal with."
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Series Resilient Workers in Fragile Supply Chains: The FLA calls for international action
The Fair Labor Association's President and CEO, Sharon Waxman shares lessons from COVID-19, the role of responsible purchasing practices and necessary action from business and government.
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Post Revisiting the role of business in contexts of conflict and post-conflict: the case of Colombia
Amanda Romero looks at Colombia and explains why voluntary initiatives are insufficient to ensure business respect for human rights in situations of conflict
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Post Harassed, hurt, and hungry: The fraught relationship between businesses and transgender people in Armenia
Businesses often contribute to the discrimination and disenfranchisement of transgender people in Armenia, and more broadly, in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Activist Lilit Martirosyan has faced violence and harassment, including from businesses, for her work advocating for trans rights.
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Series EU mandatory due diligence legislation: What investors need to know and why they should care
"We are now at a watershed moment, and responsible companies and investors stand to gain when reform comes into effect. However, tangible benefits for workers and communities around the world will be the only real measure of success. They have been waiting for this moment too long already."
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